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Dr. Marie Durflinger Awarded Seattle Top Dentist 2015
Congratulations Dr. Marie Durflinger and Team Marie at Auburn Family Dental! The Seattle Metropolitan Magazine has awarded Dr. Durflinger as a Seattle Top Dentist for the year 2015. Dr. Durflinger has received this award five times since 2009.
Tips For a Brighter Smile
Summer is a time full of vacations, adventures and great memories for our patients at Auburn Family Dental. Everyone wants a beautiful radiant smile when the sun comes out and we have a few reminders to keep your pearly whites beaming this summer! Try to stay away from drinks that will stain your teeth like …
Auburn WA Dental Implants SpecialistDental Implants: Auburn WA Dental Implants Informational Center If you are debating if you should invest into a single tooth implant or a bridge to replace a tooth, take into consideration the following points: Dental Implants Are Easy To Clean Because a dental implant is not bonded or fixed to adjacent teeth life a …
Severe Tooth Ache: Causes part Ipart I – part II Severe Tooth Ache Causes Severe tooth aches can be debilitating and render you incapable of eating and sleeping. If you are having a severe tooth ache or jaw ache, it can be difficult to pin point exactly what is causing it. The symptoms you experience can help identify the cause...
Severe Tooth Ache: Causes part IIpart I – part II Tooth decay A dental cavity or tooth decay can cause a severe tooth ache. When a cavity is small and in the outer enamel, there is usually no pain or symptoms at all. That is why it is important to have a dental examination two times a year. If cavities …
Severe Tooth Ache: Symptoms part IIIpart I – part II – part III Symptoms of a severe tooth ache in detail continued: what do the symptoms mean? Ear pain Just as in referred or radiating pain, ear pain can be associated with a severe tooth ache because of nerve distribution. Nerves that give sensation to upper teeth have branches that …
Severe Tooth Ache: Symptoms part Ipart I – part II – part III Tooth aches can range from a slight sensitivity when biting into ice cream to a deep pulsing pain that persistently radiates through your whole jaw bone. Minor tooth sensitivity is typically not serious and can often be remedied with over-the-counter sensitivity toothpastes. Excruciating pain that
throbs in …
Floss For a Healthy HeartMost people find that it is easy to be diligent with a daily tooth brushing routine but struggle when it comes to being consistent with flossing. Over the last 20 years, many studies have continued to substantiate a link between your gum health and your heart health. Gum disease is caused by bacteria that live …
Wisdom Teeth Removal Complications
It is good to know that in most cases, having your wisdom teeth out is pretty straight forward and that if you follow the post operative instructions prescribed by your dentist your recovery will go very smooth. Occasionally you can encounter complications. This posting will discuss some of the not so common complications that can …
Auburn Dentist: Emergency Dentistry For Severe Tooth Pain
It’s the middle of the night and you wake up with a pulsating pain in your jaw bone that continually gets worse as the minutes pass by. You know something is seriously wrong. If you have ever had a toothache, you know how important it is to have a dentist on speed dial. There are …
Seattle Top Dentist Explains Tooth Sensitivity
Are Your Teeth Sensitive To Cold? If you have ever wondered why it’s hard to drink a glass of ice water without a straw or bite into a spoonful of ice cream, you have come to the right place. There are several factors that can contribute to cold sensitive teeth. It helps to have a …
Auburn Pediatric Dentist: When Will My Child’s Teeth Come In?
Please keep in mind that every child’s growth and development is different. It is common for children to be a few months early or late in getting or losing teeth. If you are concerned about your child’s tooth eruption patterns, call us today to schedule an exam with Dr. Marie Durflinger, a Seattle Top Dentist …
Dr. Marie Durflinger: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 2012 Fundraising Chair
Volunteers are the back-bone of our community. They are unsung heroes who are willing to share their time, talents, and energy to help make organizations, projects and events operate effectively and resources to get to those who need them the most. Dr. Marie Durflinger has been giving back to the community she lives and works …
Auburn Pediatric Dentist: Your Child’s First Dental Visit at Auburn Family Dental
As a new parent, you probably wonder when you should schedule your child’s first dental appointment and what you should expect at your child’s first dental appointment. At Auburn Family Dental, in Auburn Washington, we base our standard of care upon the recommendations of the American Dental Association and years of experience in enhancing the …
Seattle Top Dentist in Auburn Washington Offers Free Professional Teeth Whitening
In this day and age there are so many ways to give your smile a cosmetic boost. Porcelain veneers, metal-free ceramic or porcelain crowns, tooth bonding and composite fillings are some of the procedures available today to repair damaged or broken teeth and can also make your smile appear whiter and brighter. One of the …
What To Expect: Wisdom Teeth Removal
In most cases, your dentist or oral surgeon will require to see you for one or two appointments before they take your wisdom teeth out. They will do an oral exam, take x-rays, and spend some time discussing with you what to expect before, during and after the procedure. The following information will discuss some …
Are My Wisdom Teeth Impacted?
Are My Wisdom Teeth Impacted? If you are between the ages of 16 and 30, “Are My Wisdom Teeth Coming In?” is a question that may have crossed your mind once or twice. Just as babies have pain when their teeth begin to cut through the gums, as wisdom teeth develop, they often cause …
All Toothpastes Are Not Created Equal
The Harmful Truth About Whitening & Tartar Control Toothpastes If you have ever visited the dental care isle at your local grocery store, you know that there are literally dozens of different dental products that advertise, “tooth whitening” or “tartar control.” We place a lot of value on clean, white teeth in today’s society.…
Your Dentist Can Detect Oral Cancer Early
The Two-Minute Exam That Could Save Your Life! According to the National Cancer Institute, over 36,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral and throat cancers this year and about 8,000 will die as a result. Worldwide, the problem is even more significant with over 640,000 new cases of oral and throat cancers found each …
A CSI Approach To Diagnosing Dental Disease
Has your dentist ever told you that you grind your teeth? Have you ever looked into the mirror and noticed that the edges of your teeth are worn or fractured? Do you suffer from jaw-aches or get frequent headaches? Are your teeth sensitive or mobile? These are a few of the commonly overlooked symptoms of…